(718) 934 6714, 888-924-3973
How to transfer patient data from an EHR into iSmart EHR

Export from EHRs

One of the most challenging question of changing an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system is lack of understanding how to transfer patient data. This is a big issue as switching EHR systems should mean a practitioner has access to previous patient records. Another anxiety of transferring data is losing medical information.

The good news is that health data exchange has been gradually improving during the last several years. Federal regulations require EHR vendors to adopt and implement standards such as Clinical Document Architecture to exchange patient data between certified products.

Medical providers willing to transfer data from one EHR system to another may think about the following essential details:

iSmart EHR system is capable to import CDA format files. The EHR vendor has specialists who can consult you what to start with if you switch to our software. Moreover, on your behalf we can try to establish technical level communication with EHR vendor you currently use.

Practitioners should understand that data transfer may be a complex process. Once the data transfer has finished you should perform testing to verify accurateness of patient health information in the new environment.

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