(718) 934 6714, 888-924-3973
All the aspects of clinical care
in one system
iSmart Story

WCH Service Bureau, Inc renders billing and credentialing services more than 15 years. We are proud to say that our company set trust relationships with many clients we served. In 2009 the WCH’s leadership received feedback from a healthcare provider with a possibility to have scheduling system.
Clear idea to start
At that time WCH has had a billing software allowing clients to manage patient appointments, but it was on-premises system requiring deployment efforts for every new customer. The challenge was accepted; however the well-defined idea was to build web-based scheduling software with capability to expand its functionality. This was a starting point of current iSmart Electronic Health Records (EHR) system.
Business-like concept

Having deployed scheduling users wished to have a quick and traceable mechanism to generate reports. This urged WCH to add reporting system into iSmart. Practically, every practitioner had to fill patient notes or upload handwritten and scanned medical records to a patient profile.

In 2011, the CMS launched the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs to encourage eligible professionals and hospitals to demonstrate meaningful use (MU) of certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT).

Business-like concept
The MU program and requirements issued by ONC to electronic systems prompted WCH for iSmart further development. We have to say the development was not easy, as many aspects turned as something new. For example, we did not properly estimate amount of work for electronic prescribing module and lastly decided to integrate additional software into our application. As a result, in 2013 iSmart EHR was tested and become a complete and certified health information technology system which met ambulatory requirements of so-called MU Stage 2.
Keeping up to date

We here at WCH understand the Health IT is a competitive environment. In 2017 we upgraded iSmart EHR to become 2015 Edition certified EHR system so that our users could stay calm and continue to rely on our software. Apart from certification, we always communicate with our clients, receive their feedback and try to respond with effective solutions. In particular, the EHR and Billing systems became integrated. There is eligibility, health information exchange and laboratory services in the system.

In the beginning of 2017 we spend hours to prepare and hold a robust usability testing to make iSmart EHR more user-friendly, responsive and secure system.

We are committed to support our clients in using our services and often survey users of what good we can do to improve their work in iSmart EHR system.
The iSmart EHR Team

Development Team

The team of dedicated managers, analysts, developers, EHR advisors focuses on serving the needs of our clients. There are highly skilled professionals who have been involved in iSmart EHR system development for many years. Together with board of directors we want our customer’s work as smoothly and successfully as possible!


I have been using WCH services since 2002 and I have to admit that their program to increase collections yielded unexpectedly good results. They are highly efficient in billing and health insurance reimbursement which is always completed in a timely manner. The staff is extremely reliable and I am pleased to work with them.
I think WCH is very efficient. Bravo to you all and I will not hesitate to recommend your services to my friends as well others.
WCHSB allows me to concentrate on what I know best: my patients! I was under enormous amount of pressure but WCHSB took away all of my stress, which was a relief! After 3 years with WCHSB, I remain a happy customer and a successful doctor!
See iSmart EHR accomplishments and future releases.
Start using iSmart system today!
(718) 934 6714

3047 Avenue U Brooklyn, NY 11229